Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tenses and their uses continued....

 2.  Present continuous tense: This tense is used to describe the actions that are taking place now before our eyes. 

Structure:  Subject+is /are+verb+ing+object

Ex. She is dancing now
Here she is subject, dance is verb and now is object
Ex. They are eating chicken.

Ex. They are playing chess

Ex.  we are swimming in the river.

Ex: It is raining now


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tenses and their use

How many tenses are there and what are they?: Tenses are three types:

1. Present tense
2.Past tense 
3. Future tense

In each tense there are four sub categories. They are:
2. Continuous
4. Perfect continuous

Now we shall discuss each tense clearly

1. Present simple or simple present: This tense is used to describe habitual actions and universal truths.
Structure: subject+verb1+ object
Ex1. sun /rises/ in the east(universal truth)

Here sun is subject, rises is first form of verb and in the east is object.
Ex 2. He/ walks/ daily in the morning( habitual action)

Ex3. Earth/ revolves/ round the sun

First person singular (I) and second person singular(you) uses just verb for example read, write, speak...etc and third person singular adds "s" to the verb.
 Ex. She eats, he drinks, it happens.